Av Integration-An Overview And Benefits

Science and technology has been advancing at a remarkable rate for the last few decades. All the innovations concerning the new technologies have only made our lives better and smoother. With the new appliances and varieties of equipments available within everyone’s reach, domestic as well as office operations have become simpler. The processes no longer involve any hazard and have adapted to a streamlined method owing to the technological advancements.
The one aspect that has been impacted the most with the advent of science in the last few decades is communication. Though, telephones belong to the early 19th century innovations, further developments took a while before the modern technology made them incredibly fast and associative. The field of communication now experiences some of the best modes of which audio-video communication is the most notable one.
Be it the hospitals, the corporate offices, the seminar halls, the training rooms, classrooms or any other places, Av Integrations have become a bare essential for effective communication without much effort. The best part about this technology is that it comes with the capacity to make the interactions livelier. This, in turn, helps in establishing a communication minus any comprehensive gaps. Thus, most of the varieties of industries have accepted these audio visual modes of communication as their key supports.
In an age, where almost everything gets ruled by the internet and virtual communications, AV integrations fetch a touch of proximity and liveliness to the whole process. Studies have also revealed that audio visual communications last longer and enable easy comprehensions building tangible communication. Hence, AV integrations have emerged as a key tool for most of the domains of work

An Overview

AV Integration can be described as a combination of equipments enabling an enhanced listening and viewing experience simultaneously. Surely the range of functionalities depends on the variety of AV integrator chosen. Depending on the requirements, the market offers a wide array of AV integrators that are useful in injecting life into any communication, official or personal. Earlier, people in seminar halls and training rooms suffered the problem of audibility owing to the huge crowd and definitely missed some of the demonstration if seated at the beck rows. AV integration has eradicated this problem as with this facility available, the sound and the visuals reach every corner of an enclosure evenly depriving no one from the outputs.
Moreover, if the people to be addressed are not physically present within the hall and are stationed at some other place or country, the best way to reach them without losing a word of the communication is to apply audio visuals. Boundaries no longer matter when it comes to communication with audio visuals modes available within reach.
Words sometime fall short to provide enough clarity regarding any subject or topic. A demonstration can make a lot of difference here. But, words are audible, whereas, demonstrations need visual connectivity. Hence, speeches and communications supported with demonstrations strictly require AV integration for effective results.

Here’s How You Can Choose An AV Integrator

A tool, as effective and as important as AV Integration, must be done with ample care and considerations. It has the power to build or ruin the quality of outcome of any communicative effort. Hence, here are some of the aspects that must be kept in mind when choosing an AV integrator.


AV integration works as the pillar of communication requirements of a firm. Hence, the integrator must be chosen wisely to ensure optimum results. The designer who would take care of the integration must understand the requirements of the organization in concern to integrate the AV devices to maximize the benefits.
He must provide with the best possible and cost effective solution through the integration to address the existing set of challenges. A veteran hand would be the best choice who has the knowledge of handling multiple situations and difficulties related to integrations. With the years of experience, the person would be capable of anticipating the requirements and act accordingly.

Service Support

The integrator that you choose for your firm must have adequate after sales support provisions. Once installed, the AV devices may malfunction at times. This is when you need to guarantee an after sales service of the integrator to avoid further delays in fixing.
Moreover, when the AV device gets operational, if you think that some rearrangements are necessary for the best output, the integrator must remain available for the same. Hence, choosing an integrator who provides seamless support even after the AV integration would be the best choice to settle for.


Before opting for any service, one must take care of the market reputation of the firm and the reviews received by them. The previous clients are the best source of information at any point of time.
Hence, check the reviews and feedbacks received by the integrator from the past clients and be sure of the quality of the service they provide before opting for one. This will also give you a rough idea about the after sales support the integrator promises and provide in reality. It is considered wiser to depend on the words of the clients than the service provider itself.

The Technological Edge

AV integration is a thriving domain of application and is evolving every day. Hence, an integrator with the best of the knowledge backed with enough technological up-gradations would be the perfect choice. When it comes to technology, even a gap of a single generation makes a lot of difference.
Hence, obsolete technologies must be carefully avoided and the latest one must be integrated to reap the benefits to the fullest. An AV integrator with considerable experience and a list of substantial number of successful projects would be the smartest pick.
The integrator you would finally opt for must be capable of providing you with high-end cutting-edge technology that can cope with the forthcoming changes.

AV integration-A must For Corporate Offices

AV integration have proved their relevance in many domains like training, discussions, board meeting, teaching etc. there is hardly any sector or operation there which does not involve effective communication.
Starting from teaching children to addressing the corporate board meetings, communication remains the common factor for all human transactions. Here are some of the benefits of AV integration that have made this application an essential today.

Onboard Process Handling

Every corporate office experiences regular hiring and recruitments throughout a year. These employments are done in batches and every batch receives a training that makes it ready to serve on desk. The faster the training process is, the better the results are. During the period of training the employees remain unproductive.
Hence, it is always counted as a profitable measure if the period of training can be reduced somehow. AV integration has effectively curtailed the overall training times of all the operations making recruitments more cost-effective than before. Therefore, having an AV integration done signifies easier and comprehensive training methods consuming lesser time from the productive hours.

Better Training Facilities

Earlier the training modules used to remain dependant on oral communications. But, as the studies suggests, visuals impact our mind more profoundly than their audio counterparts. Hence, ever since, the AV integration has made its entry into the training rooms, less people are staying out of its effect ensuring easier comprehension for most trainees at a time.
Since these sessions get recorded, one can access the videos any time for support or learning. Moreover, these recorded versions help in evaluating and maintaining the quality of training provided during any session. This takes care of overall health of the training processes in corporate.


When a sales training is going on or a product introduction is required to make the trainees understand the nature of the business, demonstration is the best way to deal with it. With AV devices installed, the same can be done effortlessly and even the ones in the back rows will not be deprived of the clear visuals.
The same is true when a large gathering gets addressed and the audience experiences an audio visual presentation. Had it been only on the stage, some could have missed the important glimpses of the event. But, with AV displays, there is no chance of missing even a bit of the event.

Video Conferencing

The high-end video technologies have almost made the boundaries disappear. If the person you wish to communicate with is sitting in another country or city, AV integrations help in bringing them face to face and conduct an effective conferencing without any loss of purpose. Therefore, conducting meetings and conferences sitting anywhere in the world is now possible just by opting for an AV integration.
ETCIPL is one of the renowned names in the market who offers best AV integration services. The experienced team of professionals guarantee the best service and an impeccable after sales support. If you are looking for AV integration solution for your office, ETCIPL can be your one stop solution. They offer latest technologies at competitive prices. If quality is on your mind, ETCIPL can be a smart choice.